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Royal Cornwall Infirmary, Truro

Hospital Details

Link to the Hospital Records Database (National Archives/Wellcome Trust)Click here
Foundation date1799

Hospital type and admission terms

YearHospital TypeAdmission Terms
1928generalnote (subscribers letter, etc)
1901generalnote (subscribers letter, etc)


Hospital Records

Use the selection below to view records associated with this hospital:


The following controls allow you to create a graph comparing up to five variables:

Key indicators (click to expand)
Number of beds (pbcbed)
Average daily bed occupancy (pbcocc)
Number of new inpatients (pbcinp)
Average length of stay per in-pt (days) (pbclng)
Number of new outpatients (pbcout)
Total income, maintenance account (inctotmain)
total ordinary income (inctotord)
Total expenditure (exptot)
Total expenditure, maintenance account (exptotmain)
Staffing (click to expand)
Number of medical staff (medstf)
Number of resident medical staff (medres)
Number of nurses (nurstf)
Number of nursing probationers (nurpro)
President/patron (prespat)
Expenditure (click to expand)
Extraordinary expenditure (expext)
Total cost of in-pts (excluding rent, rates and taxes) (pbcincost)
Total cost of out-pts (excluding rent, rates and taxes) (pbcoutcost)
Total expenditure on provisions (expprov)
Total expenditure on Alcohol (expalc)
Total expenditure on Surgery and dispensary (expsur)
Total expenditure on Domestic expenses (expdom)
Total expenditure on Establishment (expest)
Total expenditure on Miscellaneous (expmisc)
Total expenditure on Salaries, medical dispensing and others (expsal)
Total expenditure on pensions (exppen)
Total expenditure on repairs (exprep)
Total expenditure on administrative staff salaries (expadsal)
Total expenditure on administrative staff pensions (expadpen)
Total expenditure on Other management/admin expenses (expadman)
Total expenditure on finance (appeals, festivals and commissions) (expadfin)
Total expenditure on rent, rates and taxes (exprent)
In- patient expenditure- provisions (expinpprov)
In- patient expenditure -surgery/dispensary (expinpsur)
In- patient expenditure- domestic expenses (expinpdom)
In- patient expenditure - miscellaneous (expinpmisc)
In- patient expenditure -salaries (expinpsal)
In- patient expenditure -administration (expinpadman)
In-patient expenditure- finance (appeals etc) (expinpadfin)
Out-patient expenditure –provisions (expoutprov)
Out-patient expenditure -surgery/dispensary (expoutsur)
Out-patient expenditure -domestic expense (expoutdom)
Out-patient expenditure- miscellaneous (expoutmisc)
Out-patient expenditure- salaries (expoutsal)
Out-patient expenditure - administration (expoutadman)
Out-patient – finance (appeals etc) (expoutadfin)
Sources of income (click to expand)
Total extraordinary income (inctotext)
Income, annual subscriptions (incsub)
Income, donations (incdon)
Income, collection boxes (incbox)
Income from entertainments (incent)
Grant from King Edward Hospital Fund for London (incfun)
Grant from Hospital Sunday Fund (incsun)
Grant from Hospital Saturday Fund (incsat)
Income, church collections (inccon)
Income, workers contributions (incwork)
Income from investments (incint)
Voluntary gifts (incvol)
Income from private nursing institution (incnurinst)
Income, from nurses fees (incnur)
Income, patients payments/contributions (incpat)
Income, other receipts (incoth)
Income from public services (incpub)
Grants from Saturday and Sunday Hospital Funds (incsatsun)
Grants from London charitable fund(s) (lonchar)
Grants from London hospital fund (lonfund)
extraordinary income, legacies (incextl)
extraordinary income, donations etc for special purposes (incextd)
Line Chart

GeoData Institute